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Originally from Australia Dr Bromfield's research program at the University of Florida's Department of Animal Sciences is focused on understanding the fundamentals of reproductive physiology and pathology in mammalian species. 

Dr Bromfield received his initial training at the University of Adelaide in South Australia under the instruction and mentorship of Professor Sarah Robertson. After completing his PhD in medicine, Dr Bromfield took up a postdoctoral fellowship at Kansas University Medical Center under the guidance of Professor David Albertini before moving to the United Kingdom to work with Professor Martin Sheldon at Swansea University. Dr Bromfield was fortunate to obtain a faculty position at the University of Florida in 2014 where his research program quickly obtained federal funding to conduct research in the field of reproductive physiology in cattle. As part of his research program Dr Bromfield works with and trains graduate students, while teaching various courses in reproductive physiology and  endocrinology. 


2002 - 2006       PhD (Medicine), University of Adelaide.

2001                  BSc (Hons) – Reproductive Immunology, University of Adelaide.

1998 - 2000       Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry & Immunology), University of Adelaide.



2021 - current   Associate Professor of Physiology. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida.

2014 - 2021       Assistant Professor of Physiology. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida.

2012 - 2013       Postdoctoral fellow. Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health, University                                 of Missouri (Susan Nagel).

2009 - 2012       Research Officer. Institute of Life Science, School of Medicine, Swansea, UK (Martin Sheldon).

2008 - 2009       Lead Teaching Assistant. Frontiers in Reproduction course. Marine Biological Laboratories,                                     Woods Hole, MA.

2007 - 2009       Postdoctoral fellow. Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Kansas University                                     Medical Centre (David Albertini).

2006 - 2007       NHMRC Postdoctoral Research Officer. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University                               of Adelaide, Australia (Sarah Robertson).



2020       University of Florida, Excellence Awards for Assistant Professors

2019       University of Florida, Best Master's Thesis. Jason Rizo 

2018       Biology of Reproduction, 2017 Top Reviewer

2016       University of Florida, Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association, Mentor of the Year

2013       University of Adelaide International Exchange Fellow.

2010       Wales Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society Communication Prize.

2009       International Society for Fertility Preservation Communication Prize.

2005       Foetal and Neonatal Physiological Society, DSL Young Investigator Award.

2005       Australian Foetal and Neonatal Physiology Workshop Communication Prize.



ANS 3319C  Reproductive Physiology & Endocrinology in Domestic Animals (coordinator).

ANS 6751     Physiology of Reproduction (instructor).

ANS 6767     Molecular Endocrinology (coordinator).

VEM 5111F  Animal Systems II - Reproduction (instructor).



Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR)

European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

American Society of Animal Science (ASAS)

International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP)

Frontiers in Reproduction (Firbee)

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG) - Editorial Board

Biology of Reproduction - Board of Reviewing Editors

FASEB Journal - Editorial Board

Journal of Dairy Science - Editorial Board


Provide our stakeholders with intellectual depth and tools required for self-sustained learning while emphasizing knowledge related to animal agriculture. Conduct research and make knowledge available through teaching and extension to assist food animal and horse enterprises in remaining profitable and sustainable, and providing consumers with economical, safe and wholesome food.

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