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$1.65 million NIH grant awarded to the Bromfield lab
Today it was announced that the Bromfield lab in collaboration with Drs Sheldon, Santos and Block was awarded an NIH "Dual Purpose with...

New Research published
The Bromfield lab has published new findings in the journal Reproduction this week in collaboration with the University of Floridas...

Successful SSR meeting
This years annual Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) meeting was held in San Diego. Sossi Iacovides and Rachel Piersanti both...

Travel awards
Both Rachel Piersanti and Sossi Iacovides have received travel awards to attend and present their most recent research at the upcoming...

Dr Bromfield - Mentor of the Year ?!
I was extremely lucky to be awarded the Department of Animal Sciences Mentor of the Year - 2016 at the annual ANS picnic. This award is...

AMCB 2016 Symposium
Another successful Animal Molecular and Cell Biology (AMCB) sympoisum was enjoyed by the Bromfield lab at Chinsegut Hill Manor House....
New lab member
The Bromfield lab would like to welcome our newest recruit, Lalia Ibrahim. Laila will be working to determine how male derived factors...

D.H. Barron Reproductive & Perinatal Biology Research Program newsletter
Find below the details of the Fall 2015 Reproductive and Perinatal Biology Research Program and the Center for Perinatal Outcomes...

Animal Sciences Symposium 2015
The lab attended the inagural Animal Sciences Symposium at Lake Weed. Rachel Piersanti presented her proposed work on how infection and...
Lab Welcomes New Staff
The lab welcomes our newest staff member Rachel Piersanti. Rachels bio can be found here.
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