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New data presented at multiple meetings this summer
Data pertaining to research from the Bromfield laboratory has been presented at the Frontiers in Reproduction (FIR) symposium and the...

Cows that milk themselves
The BBC reports today about the growing trend of self-milking robots being used on UK dairy farms. With approximately 5% of all dairy’s...

Bromfield laboratory awarded grant from Southeast Milk Check-off
Southeast Milk Inc (SMI) is a milk cooperative servicing Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. SMI currently handles most of the milk...

Bromfield laboratory awarded Select Sires research grant
Dr Bromfield has been awarded a Select Sires’ Competitive Research Grants to improving calving rates in dairy cows by infusion of seminal...

Companies cash in on egg freezing
Women in California are being seduced by the idea of preserving their fertility at industry run cocktail parties. Oocyte cryopreservation...

Highlights of India's booming dairy industry
The BBC reports today about the highly prized semen of buffaloes in India for use in the world's largest dairy industry. India produces...

Dr Bromfield joins the Editorial Board of Journal of Assisted Reproduction & Genetics
Dr Bromfield has recently joined the editorial board of the Journal of Assisted Reproduction. The Journal of Assisted Reproduction and...

Global demand for milk benefits producers
The BBC reports today that the growing demand for milk products in China will only benefit Dairy producers across the globe. Read the...

ANDOR confocal trial
The Bromfield lab has just trialed the Andor confocal unit with the intention of purchasing in the near future. A great machine for those...
IFAS Early Career Scientist Seed Funding awarded
Dr Bromfield received an IFAS Early Career Scientist Seed Funding from the University of Florida. The award is valued at $50,000 to be...
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