Successful SSR
The Bromfield lab had another successful year at the annual SSR meeting held in San Jose CA.
Collectively the lab presented 3 posters, 1 platform and 1 flash talk.
Jason Rizo was awarded the USDA-NIFA merit award for his work on seminal plasma in the bovine.
Short And Long Term Effects Of Uterine Disease On Oocyte Transcriptome In Dairy Cows. Rachel L. Piersanti, Jeremy Block, Jose E.P. Santos, I. Martin Sheldon, John J. Bromfield
Induced Uterine Disease Reduces Oocyte Quality And Embryo Development In The Cow. Mackenzie J. Dickson, Jeremy C. Block, Jose E. P. Santos, I. Martin Sheldon, John J. Bromfield
Seminal Plasma or TGFαIncreases Expression of IL6 and TNF in Bovine Endometrial Cells. Jason A. Rizo, John J. Bromfield
Heat Stress Increases the Incidence of Uterine Disease in Dairy Cattle Without Affecting the Vaginal Bacteria Load. Paula Molinari, I. Martin Sheldon, John J. Bromfield